Being a technopreneur (entrpreneur in the field of IT) is not difficult, only two factors that needed to be a technopreneur succes.First is creativity. The second is consistency. In addition, too little science course.

Creativity here is one of creativity in a "learning target market". After that, other things to note is that we once.Remember business marketing technology that is still low in Indonesia will require an extra tool in the marketing (not just through flyers, banners , ad).

Doing business in the field of IT is the business community. That is, join a community the right (such as: mailing observers of information technology, public forums are hooked IT) will accelerate the familiar and trusted our business in the market.

Join the community can make us as a technopreneur more "aware" of the needs of the people in the community. Questions such as how to use computers that they wanted to learn, IT trends emerging in the market, and the need for easy to know if you join a community (the right course).

Thus, we can determine what a business focus that can be marketed in communities A, B, and others.Another can know "the customer wants", joined the community can accelerate the marketing of our business. Of course in those communities we must take an active role as members so that the people in the community to pay attention to us.

After interest arises and the relationship existed as between friends, we can begin to market our business. That and I'm sure it really will! If in my language, can be called that one key to success in running a business is to keep the friendship.

It can be concluded to be a necessary technopreneur things the following:

1. Carefulness in view momen Example: when the monetary crisis in 1998, at the time many companies out of business, Mr Timothy S by Zyrex her (company) go ahead even though promotion is because Mr. minimal.Mr Timothy saw as a moment to introduce and inform Zyrex community that the company is still "alive" that is believed to be          good company. Long-term benefit is the core ..

2. Creativity

3. Consistency

1 komentar:

good article....
i have one question?
what your solution about technopreneur can make telecommunications bussines can more grow in a period of global market.


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